
P&O: #2 Affection | Cariño


This is the second episode of the comic series of the Pedro and Oliver adventures.

Oliver is a little confused about the use of the word "AMAR" (love) in Spanish.

That actually happened to me and my wife when we were arguing about the way to word the different degrees of affection between people: lover, family, friends, acquaintances, etc. When I first started learning English the idea of saying "I love you" to a person that it's not my girlfriend or wife was odd. But as I say: "Don't try to understand a language, accept it and just speak it".

Misspelling notice: Where it says: "Since we WHERE little fluffy puppies", it should say: "Since we WERE little fluffy puppies".



Éste es el primer episodio de la historieta sobre la aventuras de Pedro y Oliver.

Oliver está un poco confundido por el uso de la palabra "AMAR" en español.

Esto en realidad nos ocurrió a mí y a mi esposa cunado razonabamos acerca de la selección de palabras cuando se intentan expresar diferentes grados de cariño hacia otras personas: amante, familia, amigos, conocidos, etc. Cuando empecé a aprender inglés la idea de decir "I love you" (te amo; te quiero) a una persona que no fuera mi novia o esposa me parecía rara. Pero como suelo decir: "No intentes entender un idioma, acéptalo y simplemente háblalo".

Fe de erratas: En donde dice: "Since we WHERE little fluffy puppies", debe decir: "Since we WERE little fluffy puppies".

First aired | Emitido originalmente: 25.FEB.2009

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